Voronezh State University
REC - 010 Research And Education Center
"Wave processes in inhomogeneous and nonlinear media "
Structure Goals And Problems Research Education
Support Of Young Scientists Competitions External Linkages Laboratories Equipment
Support Of Young Scientists Russian version

Many undergraduates, students in masters’ programs and graduate students, young faculty members of Universities in Voronezh, Lipetsk, Belgorod, Tambov, Bryansk, Moscow and other regions actively participate in research, in teaching and in academic activities on the project.

Twice a year on the basis of the previously developed “Regulations on the grant competition for young scientists, graduate students, students in masters’ programs and undergraduate students”, a competition of grants is carried out on the Project subjects. The winners of the competitions are determined with account for their participation in grants, their scientific publications and patents, participation in conferences and seminars of the leading national and international scientific centers, their teaching and academic work and publications. Every year more than 120 grants were awarded to young scientific fellows.

The REC seminars on science and education are actively functioning. In each of the REC research fields there are local scientific seminars with participation of graduate and undergraduate students.

In the principal scientific fields of the REC activities schools for young scientists are organized in which the leading domestic and foreign scientists participate as lecturers.

Young participants of the REC get financial support for their travel to International conferences and seminars, training in the leading Russian and foreign scientific and educational centers, expeditions. During the period of the REC existence more than 30 young participants of the REC project received such support including training of undergraduate and graduate students and young REC fellows in the University of Nebraska, Lincoln (USA), Florence (Italy), Halle (Germany), Catholic University of Nijmegen (the Netherlands), Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (Korea) and others. The programs of "the double diploma” and the program of students exchange with foreign and domestic Universities are organized as well as practicals in the REC laboratories and in the leading scientific centers of Moscow and Voronezh including the scientific and production facilities of the partner-plants.

About 20 Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science theses were defended using the REC equipment facilities.